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Community Development

Council recognises that the future prosperity of the Northern Midlands depends largely on the community's ability to meet its own needs by working cooperatively with and across communities and organisations. Council views its role as one of developing partnerships and facilitating cooperation between governments, business and the community on a diverse range of issues.

Council's Role

Community development blends "bottom up" community-driven change, with "top down" Council resourcing and facilitation.

Council's role includes:

  • Facilitating and supporting community initiatives;
  • Developing partnerships with other organisations to improve opportunities for community participation and improved service delivery;
  • Promoting community awareness of, and participation in, local social, recreational and cultural activities and services;
  • Provision of funding for community projects and events through Council's annual Community Minor Capital Works Grants Program and the Major Festivals, Events and Promotions Grants Program;
  • Identifying external funding programs and making applications for funding of community projects and/or assist community organisations to apply for funding.