Contact Us (03) 6397 7303

Community Health

The Northern Midlands Municipality has a variety of community health services available, including medical centres, community nursing services, aged care, child health, oral health, special needs care, supported accommodation and counselling and support services.

Council also manages food licensing and environmental type nuisance complaints.

Community Health Services

The Northern Midlands Municipality has a variety of community services available including the following:

Doctors, Medical Centres, Community Nursing Services
Campbell TownCampbell Town
70 High Street
Campbell Town, 7210
(03) 6381 1133
Campbell Town
Community Nursing
(03) 6381 3385
LongfordLongford Medical
Cnr Smith and George Streets
Longford, 7301
(03) 6391 1170
Longford Community
Nursing - Home Help
(03) 6391 4201
PerthPerth Surgery180 Fairtlough Street,
Perth, 7300
(03) 6398 2295
EvandaleEvandale General Practice8a High Street,
Evandale, 7212
(03) 6710 3000
Longford Community Health Centre

Providing the Northern Midlands community access to health information and community health servcies by appointment.

Please view our Longford Community Health Centre Brochure
8a Archer Street Longford
Phone: (03) 6391 4222

Oral Health Services Tasmania
Children's Dental Services8a Archer Street
(03) 6391 4206
Northern Dental CareKelham Street
(03) 6336 4100
Child Health & Parenting Services
LongfordLongford Child Health8a Archer Street
(03) 6391 4222
PerthPerth Child Health ClinicPhone:
(03) 6398 2002
Parenting Line (24 hour)Phone:
1300 808 178
TLC Pregnancy & Infant Loss AustraliaPO Box 169
Longford TAS 7301
ph: 0419 544 110
Aged and Disability Care
LongfordToosey(Managed by
Uniting Aged Care
Victoria and Tasmania)
Phone: (03) 6391 1202
Visit website
PerthEskleigh(Aged and Disability Care)Phone: (03) 6398 2240
Visit website
PerthGlenrowan Village, Perth
has one and two bedroom units.
Visit website
Aged Care Assessment TeamPhone: (03) 6336 4144
Visit website
Department of Health and Ageing, Rural and Regional Health Australia, Australian GovernmentPhone: 1800 899 538
Visit website

The Longford Care-A-Car committee has very successfully over the last 27 years provided a community car for medical transport to local residents of Longford, Perth, Cressy and surrounding areas.

The car is operated on a donation basis, with volunteer drivers giving their valuable time to make the car available to as many residents as ever possible.

This community service has been so successful that it has now two cars transporting approximately 100 people travelling some 4,500 kilometres per month.

If you have no other transport to medical treatment please do not hesitate to call the Longford Care-A-Car on 0419 565 911.

If you would like to become a volunteer driver and would like to assist the committee maintain the high standard of service to the community please call 0419 565 911.

Contact details:

C/-PO Box 54

Mobile 0419 565 911

First Aid Services

St John provides first aid training, first aid services at events, and supplies first aid kits and equipment. For more information, please visit their website.

Red Cross provides a range of services from first aid training, blood service, transport and more. For more information please visit their website.

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels is a volunteer based organisation delivering meals to people who, through sickness, age and/or a disability cannot reasonably get a meal for themselves. This service allows people to remain with dignity and independence in their own homes.

For more information about Meals on Wheels in the Northern Midlands, please phone (03) 6391 1716.

Counselling, Mental Health, Addiction Recovery Services

Beyondblue is a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related disorders in Australia. 

Rural people with depression face special challenges such as isolation and difficulty accessing services which is why we provide information especially targeted to people from rural and remote communities. 

For more information on depression call the Beyondblue info line on 1300 224 636 or Lifeline's Just ask on 1300 131 114, or visit their website website.

Missiondale Recovery Centre assists people to discover an addiction free lifestyle. For more information, please visit their website.

Useful Services Outside the Northern Midlands Region

Relationships Australia-Tasmania
6-8 Paterson St, Launceston TAS 7250
Ph: (03) 6336 7000

Alcoholics Anonymous
PO Box 468, Launceston TAS 7250
Ph: (03) 6334 7060

Drug Education Network Inc
34 Paterson St, Launceston TAS 7250
Ph: (03) 6336 7950

Road Trauma Support Team Tasmania Inc.
LGH, Launceston TAS 7250
Ph: 0427 487 251

Sexual Assault Support Service (Laurel House)
PO Box 1062, Launceston TAS 7250
Ph: (03) 6334 2740

Environmental Nuisance
Smoke Nuisance

Backyard Burning

Do not burn anything on your property unless you are on at least 2000 square metres (sqm) property size. If you are over 2000sqm, you still are unable to burn anything that may cause a smoke nuisance eg. painted wood, green vegetation, treated wood, plastics, tyres etc.

Backyard burning doesn’t include Forestry burning or fuel hazard reduction burns undertaken by government agencies.

For those properties greater than 2000 sqm, you can minimise smoke nuisance by the following:

  • Don't burn leaves or green or damp wood.
  • Do not burn treated wood.
  • Ensure your wood has been stored in a dry, aerated area, off the ground and sheltered from the rain for at least 6 months. Stack the wood in a way that lets air flow through the wood pile, on top of a pallet and do not cover with a tarp as this will trap moisture.
  • start the fire using small kindling and do not load the fire with large logs until the fire is burning well, or you will smother the fire and create smoke.
  • locate your fire away from your property boundary.
  • if you are having trouble avoiding smoke, consider whether your fire needs more air in the base or sides to encourage the drawing of oxygen through the fire.
  • use a multipurpose, smokeless fuel.

You can dispose of garden waste:

  • at a Council Transfer Station; or
  • use as compost in your garden beds.

Wood-Fired Heaters

    Smoke from wood fired heaters may also cause a smoke nuisance. It is an offence if smoke is continuously visible for a period greater than 10 minutes. During this 10 minute period, the smoke must be continuously visible for at least 30 seconds at a distance greater then 10 metres from the chimney.

    Factsheet Rules for Wood Fired Heating and Cooking

    Please note that Council may only be able to take legal action against offenders if there is sufficient evidence to issue a fine or prosecute.

    Noise Nuisance

    Noise can disrupt sleep and interfere with people’s daily activities. If loud enough, it can also have a negative impact on people's health particularly when sleep is interrupted.

    Noise is an unwanted sound that can come from many different sources in your neighbourhood like machinery and equipment.

    Some impacts of noise nuisance include stress, annoyance, irritation and tiredness. The impact of noise varies with individuals.

    For example, the use of a power tool / chainsaw may annoy you more than another person, so it is important to consider your own perception of sounds that annoy or disturb you. A simple solution could be closing a couple of windows nearest the noise and/or turning up some music/TV inside your house.

    Most noise nuisance complaints received are from people using power tools etc. too early or late in the evening and starting devices too early on weekends.

    The noise regulations deal with some noise impacts including day and time restrictions that may impact residents.

    Please note noise from on-road vehicles and from loud music (after hours) please contact the Police.

    NMC Factsheet Noise

    Please note that Council may not be able to take legal action against offenders unless there is sufficient evidence to issue a fine or prosecute. The first step in evidence collection is for the complainant to complete a noise nuisance diary. This diary is only required when you are experiencing consistent noise nuisance in your neighbourhood.

    Noise Nuisance Diary

    Odour Nuisance

    As we live surrounded by rural activities such as animal and crop farming, there will be times when farmers routinely apply fertiliser to their paddocks. Odour from the spreading of manure will usually dissipate within a couple of days and it is recommended you close your doors and windows for the duration of the nuisance. Please note, farmers have existing land use rights ie. they were their first, with respect to conducting routine farming practices including the spreading of fertilizer.

    If a dead animal is causing an odour nuisance, in the first instance please contact the farm direct and advise them of the location of the dead animal. If the farmer fails to remove the dead animal within 2 days, please contact Council.

    If odour relates to a major industry, please contact the EPA on 1800 005 171.

    Stormwater Pollution

    Council investigates water pollution discharges to the stormwater system, kerbside drains, waterways, gullies, creeks etc. Examples include soil, sand, silt, mud, sewage, building waste, concrete, paint etc that is released either directly into or placed indirectly on land where it can be reasonably expected to wash, blow etc. into a stormwater system.

    You can help to care for our waterways by:

    • washing your car with care by keeping soap and suds out of the stormwater drain. Wash your car on the grass if possible not on your concrete driveway.
    • picking up animal manure. Put your dog waste into a bin and make sure manure from horses, backyard chickens and other domestic animals can't run off into waterways or stormwater drains during heavy rain.
    • keeping chemicals out of the drain by disposing at Council’s Transfer Stations.
    • making sure your rubbish goes into your bin ie. don’t litter.
    • putting garden waste to good use e.g. adding your grass clippings to your compost bin and then applying to your garden.
    • using fertilisers and garden chemicals sparingly.
    Lodging a Nuisance Complaint

    Below is a form to be filled in and completed.

    Please note:

      1. The council's business hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
      2. Complaints are only considered for events that happen within these business hours.
      3. Nuisances occurring outside of business hours are a police matter, not a council matter.
      4. Providing correct and up to date contact details is a requirement for an investigation of the complaint. If contact details are not supplied, the complaint will not be investigated.
      5. Barking or animal related noise complaints can be submitted here

    Complaint Environmental Nuisance

    Public Health


    Asbestos is a known carcinogen. Disturbing any amount of asbestos can release fibres into the air. These could be inhaled or swallowed, which may lead to diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer or mesothelioma in later years.

    Even limited or short-term exposure to asbestos fibres can be dangerous.

    As a general guide, if a house/building was built or renovated:

    · before 1987, it is highly likely it contains some asbestos products

    · between 1987 and 1990, it’s likely it would contain asbesto7

    · after 1990, it’s unlikely it would contain asbestos.

    If you are unsure whether your building contains asbestos, you can ask a licensed asbestos assessor or removalist for advice. This Council does not accept asbestos at its transfer stations.

    Please register with the City of Launceston by contacting (03) 6323 3000. They will provide a registration form which must be completed and presented on entry to the Launceston Waste Centre.

    Asbestos being dumped must be double wrapped in thick plastic or double bagged in sections that can be easily handled and removed from your vehicle for disposal. Plastic must be a minimum 0.2mm thick. No asbestos is to be exposed to the atmosphere.

    To dispose of asbestos, it must be registered and delivered to the Launceston Waste Centre between 10am and 2pm on weekdays only.

    For more Information

    School Immunisation Program

    Council has outsourced its school Immunisation program to the Northern Midlands Medical Centre who may be contacted on 6391 1170. To view the school immunisation schedule which lists the age of the child and type of vaccine recommended and provided through this free program please visit the following:

    For a record of your child’s school immunisation please contact the Northern Midlands Medical Centre on 6391 1170 or the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register on Free call 1800 653 809.

    Other Licensing / Activities
    Place of Assembly Licence

    A Place of Assembly licence is required for any event where the expected crowd is over 1000 people to attend for two hours or more.

    Please click here to download an application form.

    Before submitting this completed application you must have the following:

    1. A Smoke-Free Management Plan (Refer to Department of Health and Human Services)

    2. A Site Plan to identify the location of the following: marquees, jumping castles, temporary stands, food vans and stalls, hand wash stations, Covid Check-in locations and toilets.

    Fees and Charges - Northern Midlands Council ( then click on "Health".

    Public Health Risk Activities

    You will require this licence if you intend to undertake any activity that involves a public health risk, including but not limited to:

    • skin penetration procedures (for example acupuncture procedures, tattooing, body or ear piercing)
    • any other activities which may result in the transmission of disease.

    This licence applies to the operator of this type of business. A separate licence is required for the registration of the physical premises eg. house, shop where the activity will be conducted.

    Application form Public Health Risk

    Fees and Charges - Northern Midlands Council ( then click on "Health".

    Water Carriers / Suppliers

    Potable (drinking) water supplied by water carriers for domestic or commercial use must meet the requirements of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, that is, safe and suitable for human consumption.

    The guideline includes recommended minimum standards of hygiene to ensure that water provided for human consumption complies with microbiological and chemical quality criteria of the National Health and Medical Research Council Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.

    This registration only covers water accessed from the regulated Agency and does not include cartage of privately owned water.

    Fees and Charges - Northern Midlands Council ( then click on "Health".

    Water Quality Monitoring

    During Summer, Council is required to monitor water quality in nominated waterways to ensure they are safe for recreational use, such as swimming, canoeing, sailing and fishing.

    This also includes the water quality at public swimming pools and at public spa pools.