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Engineering Standards

To view the current engineering standards published by LGAT view the PDF here

Current Works Schedule

The current proposed works schedule for 2024-2025 can be downloaded PDF here.

Please note: Works and Infrastructure project can be impacted by variable conditions, such as wet weather and this may change the timeframe of projects.

Stormwater System Flood and Risk Study

In order to meet the requirements of the Urban Drainage Act 2013 Council has produced Stormwater System Flood & Risk Studies of all urban areas in the municipality, and an overarching Stormwater System Management Plan (SSMP).

The SSMP references the flood and risk studies for each town and provides recommendations on stormwater management throughout the municipality. A map showing Council’s piped stormwater system and areas where overland water flow or ponding greater than 20mm deep has been modelled to occur during the 1% AEP storm (1 in 100-year storm event) can be accessed here

Please note that all information shown including pipe locations areas where overland flow or ponding is modelled to occur is indicative only and planning decisions should not be made based on this information.

Mapping Notes:

The polygons shown are those that have been identified as being potentially subject to flooding in an uncalibrated model during the 1% AEP (1 in 100 year) storm. The displayed results are primary for urban areas, other areas are not included. Riverine flooding, e.g. from the South Esk, Macquarie, Elizabeth and St Paul’s Rivers and Sheepwash Creek is also not included.

The flooding shown is indicative only. For more specific depth and risk information please contact Council. In preparing the modelling surveys, analysis, designs, plans were relied upon and may not be correct.

Stormwater System Management Plan (SSMP) endorsed April 2023 (updated 14 August 2024).